181 CEOs of America's leading corporations have recently redefined the definition of a corporation from maximising shareholder value (ie: profit) to maximising STAKEHOLDER value (ie: for customers, employees, vendors, community as well as shareholders). This echoes the shift we're seeing as more and more businesses want to be a force for good - becoming PURPOSE driven - not profit driven.
Pioneering companies such as Barry-Wehmiller (a manufacturing company with 12,000 employees) and movements such as B-Corp and Conscious Capitalism, have been leading the way in causing the idea that every decision should be made principally through the lens of profit to lose ground to more human ways of doing business.
In Barry-Wehmiller’s early days, they made the effort to codify their values – the unique way in which they would conduct business. And their manifesto that guides their daily interactions is: “Everyone wants to do better - trust them. Leaders are everywhere - find them. People achieve good things, big and small, every day - celebrate them. Some people wish things were different - listen to them. Everybody matters - show them”.
Begin your journey to stakeholder value by building an authentic Culture Code.
Salple takes an integrated, data-informed approach to organisational culture